Street Art & Fashion: Can those two be combined lawfully?


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“Vandal Eyes” RIME’s street art (left); Gigi Hadid on F/W 15 Moschino dress (right)

So, can those two expressions of art and their actors coexist/cooperate? The answer is not a simple one (did you guess otherwise?). Keep Reading!

Welcoming Note

Welcome to my first blog attempt! As the title hints, the current place will address law-related matters arising in the mesmerising world of fashion (starting with clichés already?!), yet given in a way that differentiate from the rigid and strict legal academic format. Moreover, the term “scholar” should, in no way, be construed as a suggestion that the writer is some sort of a savant individual, rather a law graduate interested in  and curious about the legal -and sometimes social- perspective of this rapidly growing industry which generates more than $2.5 trillion in revenue a year.